S.O.S. Vermilion Membership
from $25.00


The high quality of its virgin timber and construction  gave the Vermilion life-saving station building a long life, but each year brings further deterioration.  If action isn't taken quickly, it may soon be too late to save this last remaining Lake Superior Type life-saving station.  S.O.S. Vermilion is working to restore the station building to its original 1876 appearance.  Restoration will progress as funding allows.

We welcome your donations of finances, artifacts, photographs, or time.  An additional way to support our preservation effort is to join us as a member.  Members receive periodic email updates.  Memberships are for the calendar year.

Membership Levels are:

Surfman -                        $ 25.00

Keeper -                           $ 50.00

District Superintendent - $100.00